The Raven Brothers' Trans-Siberian Adventure

Driving the Trans-Siberian The Raven Brothers drove Russia's new Trans-Siberian Highway eight years before it was completed. During the journey to Vladivostok, their beat-up saloon crashed through endless rivers and canyons. It has been quoted as the most epic Russia road trip adventure ever! Have you ever wanted to get into your car and just keep driving? To abandon routine and commitment in favor of adventure? That's precisely what The Raven Brothers decided to do while stacking boxes of frozen oven chips in a -30°C freezer. The UK travel writers, who were not petrol heads and knew nothing about internal combustion engines, started their rusted Ford Sierra Sapphire and headed east. Not expecting to reach Poland, the pioneering brothers miraculously arrived in Vladivostok, Siberia, on the Sea of Japan. They had driven the entire length of the new Amur Highway before it was finished, which spans Russia and Siberia over a 6,200-mile stretch of cracked tarmac and potholes. They ...