Antarctica Classic expedition cruises with G Adventures

Antarctica Expedition cruises to Earth’s frozen frontier. Finally, your Antarctica dream has come true! That once distant and otherworldly place you longed to visit will now be a reality. Penguins, icebergs and snow-capped mountains will surround you as your expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula begins. The peninsula of land and ice extends 1,300 kilometres (1,800 miles) northward from the Antarctic continent towards South America. This region has an incredible biodiversity and splendour hidden at the planet's edge. The Antarctic Peninsula, which formed 220 million years ago, is one of the easiest parts of the continent to reach because of its proximity to South America. The South Shetland Islands in Antarctica and Cape Horn in South America are connected by the waterway known as the Drake Passage. "The Antarctic Peninsula is anything but a world of white desolation. Join us on a true adventure to a world of immense scale and visual splendour. Passing huge icebergs in the fla...